10 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Recycling Trend

10 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Recycling Trend

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Why 10 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees are Becoming a Popular Recycling Trend

Just about everyone knows that people are pushing for everyone to do their part in protecting the Earth by recycling. However, this is even becoming a huge trend for those with 10 foot artificial Christmas trees. One of the best things about using an artificial tree is that you are already doing your part to eliminate some waste from hitting the dump, since artificial trees can be used time and time again as long as they are properly cared for.

However, the recycling trend with 10 foot artificial Christmas trees is not about the tree itself, it is about the items that you decorate with and the wrapping paper that you may be using!

How are people taking this trend to their homes with their 10 foot artificial Christmas trees?

Here are a few ideas!

1. Gift wrapping in craft paper is an easy way to reuse paper and never expire. You can decorate the paper with beautiful stamps painted in different colors painted or glued with one theme. I like to use pine cones you can go out and apply to trees and wreaths.

2. Recycle last year’s ribbons and use them to attach to your tree by hanging them or adding bows.

3. If you have a small child you can save a piece of cardboard from a roll of toilet paper and paint it in Christmas colors using other craft materials so get creative.

4. Take those plain store-bought ornaments that you hang onto your 10 foot artificial Christmas trees and use glitter and paint to change these up. This way you save money and are using something that you already have on hand! A great way to join in on the recycling trend we are seeing.

Remember, when it comes to recycling and decorating your 10 foot Christmas trees think outside the box to find new ways that you can do your part!